
“Your Money or Your Life”: What Google’s Recent Algorithm Update Means for the Healthcare and Financial Industries

 “Your Money or Your Life”: What Google’s Recent Algorithm Update Means for the Healthcare and Financial Industries

Google holds healthcare and financial brands to a higher standard for website content and SEO

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), life is getting harder, not easier. In fact, things seem to be getting more difficult and more complicated each year. Yet, at the same time, Google is finding ways to simplify SEO in its never-ending quest to make “SEO tricks” obsolete. That sounds contradictory, but hear us out.

Fireside Chat with Chi Huang, MD

Fireside Chat with Chi Huang, MD

Here at Hencove, we are fortunate to work with many businesses in the healthcare industry craft and share their brand stories. To be effective, we rely on a deep understanding of the industry and competitive landscape. And to stay sharp we’re constantly reading, listening, and asking questions. 

Recently, we sat down with Chi Huang, MD, Associate Chief Medical Officer at Lahey Hospital – Burlington in Massachusetts to get his thoughts on the healthcare industry. 

Patients as Consumers: Understand Purchasing Patterns to Drive Loyalty

Patients as Consumers: Understand Purchasing Patterns to Drive Loyalty

Healthcare is an industry prone to change. Patient populations evolve constantly as new generations bring new habits, values, expectations and needs. For healthcare providers, keeping pace is a challenge. 

Whether we like it or not, today’s patients are consumers. Healthcare orgniazations need to recognize this and ask themselves the question: how can we create customer loyalty?

Breaking Through B2B Healthcare Buzzwords

Breaking Through B2B Healthcare Buzzwords

From ACA (Affordable Care Act) to ZD (Zero Defects), healthcare has long been known as an “acronym rich” industry. But, among business communications, it’s also known for something else: buzzwords.

The problem with buzzwords, in healthcare and other industries, isn’t that everyone is using them. The problem is, they’re poorly defined, and everyone is using the same words to mean different things.

The People vs. Pharma: Reframing a Crisis

The People vs. Pharma: Reframing a Crisis

“Less hoodies, more lab coats,” said PhRMA President and CEO, Steve Ubl as he smirked at his clever delivery to CNBC anchors. In a crisis situation, companies have the options to stay silent, deny, counterattack or reframe. But, while pharma's reframing media strategy is clear, Ubl’s execution misfired.